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Thuringian office and hub of the Kinnings Foundation

Kinnings News · 17. April 2024

Kinnings now also staffed in Thuringia! Since May, our Thuringia Partnerships & Impact Officer Cristina Bendiek Laranjo has been actively working in Thuringia. From here, she supports our Kinnings community in their work and networking. And the impact is already evident! Through joint co-working and sparring, the Kinnings Community is mutually stimulating and is even thinking up its first projects together.


The Kinnings Community are our impact partners who are or have been supported by us. But that’s not all. Beyond the funding, the actors who contribute to equal opportunities for children and young people in Thuringia are also part of the community. Together, we make it our mission to promote exchange and find interfaces between different sectors and actors.


Cristina made Thuringia her homeland by choice 8 years ago. She got to know Erfurt in particular through her involvement in academic and socio-political work and in projects that extend throughout the state.

As a result, she has a broad network in the areas of extracurricular education, youth, asylum, migration, anti-racism and family support. In its work, it focuses on getting to know grassroots work and supports this by networking with structural and political levels.


Would you like to get to know how we work?

Drop by and get in touch with Cristina. We look forward to meeting you too!